1. html:
2. jquery to overriding the form’s submit event so that it will use the AJAX post rather than the normal POST:
function submitAjax() { $('#submit').val('Logging In...'); $.post($("#html-form").attr('action'), $("#html-form").serialize(),function(data){ $('#submit').val('Login'); if(data == 'success'){ $('#message').html('Successfully Completed the Form').removeClass('error').css('visibility','visible'); } else { $('#message').html('Error: ' + data).addClass('error').css('visibility','visible'); } }); }
3. in the process.php :
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { //Do AJAX reply's in here } else { //Do normal form processing here }
example:full reference : http://blog.gilbertpellegrom.co.uk/post/565731118/html-forms-to-ajax-forms-the-easy-way
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